Support Policy

Support Policy

At RAMS Edutech Sdn Bhd, we are committed to providing exceptional support to all our users, whether they are individual learners or corporate clients. Our goal is to ensure a seamless and enriching learning experience on our e-learning platform. To achieve this, we have implemented the following support policy:


1. Accessible Help Resources:

We provide comprehensive help resources, including user guides, FAQs, and tutorials, to assist users in navigating our platform. These resources are easily accessible on our website and within the platform itself.


2. Responsive Customer Support:

Our customer support team is available to address any queries or issues that users may encounter. We offer support through various channels, including email, live chat, and phone, during our designated support hours. Our response time aims to be within 24 hours during weekdays.


3. Technical Assistance: Our technical support team is well-equipped to assist with any technical difficulties users may face while accessing or using our platform. This includes troubleshooting issues with login, access to study materials, assessments, or any other technical challenges.


4. User Account Support: If users encounter problems with their accounts, such as password resets, profile updates, or subscription management, our support team is available to assist promptly. We prioritize account-related issues to ensure uninterrupted learning experiences.


5. Content and Study Material Support: In case users have questions or need clarification regarding the study materials, course content, or assessments, our support team is ready to provide assistance. They can offer guidance, explanations, and ensure a deeper understanding of the learning materials.


6. Progress and Assessment Support: Our platform provides assessment features to track progress and evaluate knowledge acquisition. If users face any issues with assessments, grading, or progress tracking, our support team is available to help resolve these concerns.


7. Bug Reporting and Feedback: We value user feedback and encourage users to report any bugs, errors, or suggestions for improvements. Our support team will ensure that these reports are appropriately escalated to our technical team for resolution and consider valuable feedback for future enhancements.


8. Continuous Improvement: We constantly strive to improve our platform based on user feedback and evolving technological advancements. We regularly update our study materials, user interface, and features to enhance the learning experience. We appreciate user input in this process.

Note: While we make every effort to provide comprehensive support, there may be limitations based on the nature of the issue or specific circumstances. In such cases, we will communicate honestly and provide alternative solutions, if available.

We are dedicated to offering reliable and effective support to all our users, enabling them to make the most of our e-learning platform. Our support policy ensures that users receive prompt assistance throughout their learning journey.